Thursday 16 April 2020

Puzzle of the day!

Hi everyone,
This is my puzzle of the day for the day. I am to try and figure out the idioms. Here are the ones I can see!

1. Fast food
2. Jam session
3. Stop horsing around? ( I'm not too sure if that is one )
4. Let your mind wander

These were the only ones I could figure out and my family helped out with a few.
Comment down below the ones you can see!!!


  1. Hi Aamaria, a great effort with your idioms. I like the horsing around one. It's actually hold your horses. The others a perfect. What about the fire holding a drill and the big soap lady singing? Take another look I am sure you might work out a few more Aamaria.
    Mrs Read

    1. My mum said she thinks the fire one is a fire drill. I figure the soap just then it's soap opera


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